Friday, December 21, 2012

8th Grade Trivia - January Week #1

Congratulations to our December winners:

Brian Byrne
Kim Quilla
Beckett Ledger

January Week #1 Question:

1. The "Tin Lizzie" is another name for what?

2. What years was the Tin Lizzie produced?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19th

SS8 -- Today students blocked for English and continued their work with poems.  Tomorrow we will continue our look at Child Labor during the early 20th Century.

APUSH -- Today we watched Lincoln at the Palace Theatre.  It was truly an amazing movie.  In my humble opinion Spielberg masterfully mad a 2+ hour movie about policy exciting and intense.  Daniel Day Lewis' portrayal of Abraham Lincoln was amazing.  Tomorrow we will have our Round Table discussion - Does Abraham Lincoln deserve the title "The Great Emancipator?"  Friday, students will complete their Unit VI test on the Civil War & Reconstruction.



1. Read Chapter 23 “Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age,” pages 504-510,
                                                Hippocampus – Gilded Age:
1.     The Tweed Ring & Machine Politics
2.     Corruption in Business & Government
2. Read Chapter 23 “Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age,” pages 514-521,
                                                Hippocampus – Gilded Age:
1.     Post-War Industrial Expansion

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Finally - APUSH syllabus - UNIT VI

APUSH Mr. Clark                                    Unit VI Syllabus
Civil War & Reconstruction            Chapters 20-22 in Pageant

Wed, 12/5                        IC-            Test – Unit V – Causes of Civil War
HW-            Read Chapter 20 “Girding for War: The North and the South,” pages 434-438
 Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
Southern Secession

Thurs, 12/6                        IC-            Introduce Civil War / Strategies / Ads & Disads
HW-              Read Chapter 20 “Girding for War: The North and the   South,” pages 438-446,
Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     Mobilization

Fri, 12/7                        IC-            No Class – ½ Day
                                    HW-            See 12/6

Mon, 12/10                        IC-            Read Time article “The True Lincoln”
HW-            Read Chapter 20 “Girding for War: The North and the South,” pages 446-452
            Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     Military Strategy

Tues, 12/11                        IC-            1. Quiz “The True Lincoln”
2.Discuss the articles
3. Doris Kearns Goodwin Interview
HW-            Read Chapter 21 “The Furnace of Civil War,” pages 453-458. 
Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     The Battles
2.     The Economy during the Civil War

Wed, 12/12                        IC-            The Civil War Lecture & PBS
HW-            Read Chapter 21 “The Furnace of Civil War,” pages 459-477. 
Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     Lincoln and Civil Liberties
2.     Emancipation Proclamation
3.     Election of 1864

Thurs, 12/13                        IC-            The Civil War Lecture & PBS
                        HW-            Read chapter 22 in Pageant  (3-day assignment)
Complete  Hippocampus:
                                                                                                     The Civil War, 1860 - 1865
                                                                        Effects of the War on the South
                                                                        Reconstruction Begins
                                                                                    Reconstruction, 1865 - 1877
                                                                        Presidential Reconstruction
                                                                        The Black Codes
                                                                        Congressional Reconstruction
                                                                        Impeachment of Johnson
                                                                        The Reconstructed South
                                                                                    Reconstruction Ends

 Fri, 12/14                        IC-            Reading Period – Round Table Discussion “Does Lincoln   Deserve the Title; The Great Emancipator?
                                    HW-            Day 2 of 3-day assignment

Mon, 12/17                        IC-            The significance of the Civil War
                                    HW-            Day 3 of 3-day assignment

Tues, 12/18                        IC-            The Legacy of Reconstruction - Lecture
                                    HW-            Key Terms Quiz

Wed, 12/19                        IC-            View Movie Lincoln           
                                    HW-            Prepare for discussion

Thurs 12/20                        IC-            Round Table Discussion
                                    HW-            Study for Test

Fri 12/21                        IC-            Test Unit VI – Civil War & Reconstruction
                                                HW-            Read Chapter 23 “Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age,” pages 504-510,
                                                            Hippocampus – Gilded Age:
1.     The Tweed Ring & Machine Politics
2.     Corruption in Business & Government

APUSH Homework Wednesday:

APUSH Homework:

Read Chapter 21 “The Furnace of Civil War,” pages 453-458. 
Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     The Battles
2.     The Economy during the Civil War

Monday, December 10, 2012

APUSH to View Lincoln

On Wednesday, 12/19 Mr. Clark's APUSH class will view the movie Lincoln at the Palace Theatre.  Although we first thought the Palace would be unable to attain a print of the film it came through.  Students are requested to NOT watch the film prior to the field trip.

December Trivia - Week #2

We had SEVEN successful entries from last week.

Here is this week's THREE part question:

1. Who is the man in the photo above?
2. What country did he come to America from?
3. How did he make his fortune in America (explain)?

Monday, December 10th

SS 8 - Today we reviewed different perspectives on the railroads in US History.  This set-up tonight's homework which was to write a lengthy paragraph on one of those perspectives while incorporating a document or two.


Mon, 12/10                    IC-            Read Time article “The True Lincoln”
  HW-          Read Chapter 20 “Girding for War: The North and the South,”            pages 446-452
            Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     Military Strategy

Veronica - Here is the link to the Lincoln (Time) article:,9171,1077281,00.html

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, 12/6

SS 8 - Today we watched "Heartland" from the History of Us.  

APUSH- We started discussing the Civil War today by discussing the strategies of the Confederates and the Union.  Here is the HW for the weekend:

HW- Read Chapter 20 “Girding for War: The North and the   South,”   pages  438-446,

Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     Mobilization

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5th

APUSH -->  Homework:

HW-             Read Chapter 20 “Girding for War: The North and the South,” pages 434-438
 Hippocampus Activities – The Civil War:
1.     Southern Secession

SS 8 -->  Today we finished chapter 19 by reading parts of the text and watching clips on the Massacre at Wounded Knee and the "Land Rush" as shown in the movie Far & Away.

Tonight's HW - Ch. 20 section I, "Railroads Spur Growth"

Monday, December 3, 2012

8th Grade Trivia - December Week #1

What famous event is depicted in the picture above?  (Make sure to include the date, location and the word "golden" in your response)


Monday, Dec. 3rd

SS8 - Today we watched a clip of Dances with Wolves and discussed the buffalo hunt.  Student were assigned 15 questions from Chapter 19.

Laine, I have cut and pasted those questions below.  You can use your text for assistance.

APUSH - We discussed the 1850's to day and ended by talking bout the importance of the Lincoln-Douglas debates.  KEY TERMS quiz tomorrow.  Test moved to Wednesday.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, 11/30

SS8 - Today we took the Unit Test on Reconstruction.  There is no homework over the weekend.  On Monday we will start a mini-Unit on "The New West."

APUSH- Today we reviewed the events leading the Civil War through lecture, powerpoint and short video clips.  We will continue this on Monday.  I forgot to give students the Key Terms Quiz today so we will make adjustments for Monday.  Test is still scheduled for Tuesday but could be pushed to Wednesday?

Enjoy your weekend.

SS8 - Brian Byrne (October Trivia Winner)  Prize Dinner & a Movie
          Victoria O'Leary (November Trivia Winner) Prize 4 points on Unit Test

Next week's Trivia Question will be posted on Monday.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29th

APUSH - Today we read DBQ examples and then graded our own DBQ based on that reading.

SS8 - We did a writing activity today in class centered around a DBQ.  TEST on FRIDAY!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28th

APUSH - Students wrote the DBQ in class.  Tomorrow we will grade the DBQ.  The review sheet for the Unit V Test is pasted below.  Veronica, the remainder syllabus for Unit V is on my teacher page.

SS 8 - Today students dealt with 8 documents surrounding the few successes of Reconstruction and the many failures of Reconstruction.  Tomorrow we will work through some writing activities on the subject and use the DBQ in that capacity.   TEST ON FRIDAY.

Test Review Sheet
Chapters 16-19
Pre-Civil War Era

1.     Kansas-Nebraska Act
2.     Great Britain and France attitude toward Civil War
3.     Railroads
4.     Know Nothing Party
5.     Slavery
6.     Popular Sovereignty
7.     North/South Differences
8.     Abolitionism
9.     Dred Scott
10. Mexican War
11. Manifest Destiny
12.  Compromise of 1850
13. Lecompton Constitution
14. Historical quote
15. Historical quote
16. Election of 1860
17. Secession
18. Wilmot Proviso
19. Underground Railroad
20. Kansas-Nebraska Act
21. Dred Scott
22. Events in order
23. Historical Quote
24. Slavery
25. Events in order
26. Republican platform
27-31 Quotes from history
32. Expansionist president
33. Free-Soilers
34-35 Historical quote
36. Slaves in 1850’s
37. Free Soil Party
38. Compromise of 1850
39. Sectionalism
40. Sectionalism
41. Dred Scott
42. Events in order
43. Events in order
44. Ostend Manifesto
45. Seceding states
46.John Brown
47. Chronological Order
48. Slave revolts
49. Abolitionism
50. Abolitionism

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27th

SS8 - We started class today looking at two historical documents that conflicted with one another.  We discussed those documents with some depth.  We then finished discussing Reconstruction.  TEST FRIDAY!

APUSH - Today we spent 20 minutes discussing ways to approach the DBQ.  Students were then given a 15-minute reading period on an AP DBQ.  Tomorrow students will write the DBQ.

Veronica - Here is a link to the DBQ.  Do NOT use notes or any assistance once started.  Time yourself on the essay.  You have 1 hour.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26th

SS8 - TEST FRIDAY!   Review sheet was provided before break.  STUDY!

In class today we mopped up and reviewed the Reconstruction Era.  We used a powerpoint and

APUSH - Today, we read "Secession is Justified" in South Carolina's Declaration.  Students had to read a short article and write a 1-page essay:


Veronica, I believe you have this article with you but if not it is linked here:


Monday, November 19, 2012

8th Grade Trivia - Week #4 - November

Upon the death of Abraham Lincoln what famous line did Secretary of War Edwin Stanton say?

Monday, November 19th

APUSH - Today we watched 20 minutes regarding the lead-up to the Civil War in Ken Burns' The Civil War.  We then started to read to opposing arguments on the secession of Southern states.

SS8 - I only met with my 2nd period SS8 class today.  We watched a short video on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and then students finished taking notes on the Reconstruction Era.

This afternoon and this evening LPMHS will be having parent/teacher conferences.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, November 16th

APUSH - We have been reviewing the Mexican War and discussing the clash between Manifest Destiny and the Slavery Question.  Next week will focus on the 1850's.

SS 8 -  We have been discussing and charting the successes and failures of Reconstruction in class.  We have also viewed some short videos on Reconstruction for the NBC Archives.

Enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14th

SS8 - Today we discussed the 10% Plan and students worked through the rest of Chapter 18 (Reconstruction).

APUSH - Today students looked at ELEVEN primary sources recording evidence on the various attributes of slavery.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

8th Grade Trivia - Week #3 - November

Andrew Johnson was the closest president in American History to be removed from office for "high crimes and misdemeanors."  How many votes was he shy from being removed?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 13th

SS8 -- Today in class we read the first section on Reconstruction (Chapter 18) "Early Steps to Reunion."   We filled out an inventory on the reading in a modeling activity.  Homework tonight is to read Section II in Chapter 18 "Radical Reconstruction" and complete the sam activity.

APUSH -- Today we studied slavery in America.  We viewed "All Night Forever" from Ken Burns' Civil War (9-minute clip) which describes slavery.  We then looked at a series of charts and graphs to heighten our understanding of slavery.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, November 9th

APUSH -->   Today we took the Unit IV test.  Homework over the long weekend is to start work in Chapter 16, slavery as the main topic.

SS8 --> Today we took the test on the Civil War Era.  No homework for the weekend.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8th

APUSH --> Today we discussed the development of "sectionalism" in America during the ante-bellum time period.  We discussed the economic development of America during that time period as well.  Tomorrow will be the Unit IV Test (Chs. 13-15).  This will be the final grade of the 1st Quarter.

SS8 --> Yesterday 11/7 we modeled studying practices in class.  We studied collectively, we modeled "study buddy" work, we note-took using the provided notes and we also looked difficult ideas up in the text.  Students received a Civil War Era Test review sheet on Monday.  The test is tomorrow.

Today we completed our Civil War study.  We watched clips on Sherman's March and Lee's Surrender at Appomattox (quite fascinating).  We discussed the BIG lessons from the Civil War:

1. It made the USA a "is" and not an "are"
2. It ended slavery in America
3. It demonstrated that states do NOT have the right to leave the Union and disobey federal policy.
4. It showed the industrial strength of the North and the future of America

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, Nov. 6th - Election Day

Did you know -->  If President Obama and Governor Romney tie tonight 269 to 269 in the electoral college the presidency will be decided in the House of Representatives.  From CNN, if that were to happen then Mitt Romney holds a huge advantage.  What I did not know (from CNN) is that if that tie occurred the vice president would be decided by the House which would likely choose Joe Biden.  If there was a tie in the House then Joe Biden would cast the deciding vote for VP.  This is amazing stuff!   Highly unlikely but it is possible that Mitt Romney could be President and Joe Biden his Vice President.

APUSH - Today, students finished presenting glogs.

SS8 - Today, we discussed the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address.  Read Section IV, Chapter 17 tonight.  Study for Friday test.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5th

APUSH --> Today, Casey, Chris, Veronica and Katie presented their glogs on ante-bellum reform.  We learned a lot about the early abolitionist movement, prison and education reform.

SS8 --> Today we discussed the Emancipation Proclamation in class.  Students received notes for the unit (chs. 16 & 17) and we will have a test on Friday.  Students received a review sheet for that test.  Although we read through most of section III, Ch. 17 we did not finish.  Students were instructed to finish the reading tonight for homework.

WEEKLY TRIVIA:   Congratulations to Brian Byrne who was October's winner of the weekly trvia competition.  He won dinner and a movie.


The 54th Massachusetts Regiment were an African American regiment that fought during the Civil War?

1. What fort did they bravely take in South Carolina?
2. Who was their white commander?
3. What 1989 film was made to tell the story of this regiment and this attack?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, Nov. 2nd

APUSH-  Today will be the last day to work on the ante-bellum reform movement glog.  Students will be required to present the glogs on Monday.

SS 8 - Today we will finish the Slavery glog.

Keep up the good work!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, Oct. 31st

APUSH - Today we worked on our glogs.

SS8 - Remember that the Civil War Assessment is due Friday.

Have a Great, Safe Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, October 30th

APUSH - Students finished most of their research today on their ante-bellum reform.  Mr. Clark also demonstrated how to use the basics of the glog.

SS8 - Today we finished the presentations on the Civil War battles.  Students then had time to work on their Civil War battle assessments.

The assessment is due:

Period 2 - Thursday
Period 8 & 9 - Friday


The following is a letter written by President Abraham Lincoln:

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.

When was it written?
To whom was Lincoln writing to?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, Oct. 29th

APUSH - Today we introduced an activity that students will work through with partners.  This will cover the main ante-bellum reform movements.

SS 8 - Only my second met today.  Hopefully we will see everybody on Tuesday and everybody is safe.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday, October 26th - Links for Glog Assessment

Sorry for not posting yesterday.  It just slipped my mind.

APUSH - Today we reviewed the Jacksonian Era and how the Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as guardians of the Constitution, protectors of liberty and promoters of economic opportunity.  Your HW for the weekend is:

1. Read Chapter 13 “The Rise of Mass Democracy,” pages 268-284.
                                                2. Hippocampus Activities-Age of Jackson:
                                                            a. Nineteenth Century Banking
                                                            b. The Bank
                                                            c. Jackson and the Bank War
                                                            d. Jackson and Van Buren

SS 8 - We continued with the presentation of the glogs.  I have linked the NINE glogs to help you complete your assessment on this project.  You may also use your textbook.  

LINKS for the 9 battles/engagements of the Civil War:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October 24th

APUSH-   Today we had class, phew!

We started by watching a 10-12 video of the presidency of Andrew Jackson.  This gave students an overview of the events and actions he took as president.

Students then worked through a lesson comparing Jeffersonian Democracy and Jacksonian Democracy.


1. Read Chapter 13 “The Rise of Mass Democracy,” pages 262-267.
                                                2. Hippocampus Activities-Age of Jackson:
                                                            a. Tariff of 1828
                                                            b. South Carolina
                                                            c. Tariff of 1832 and Clay’s Compromise
                                                            d. Native Americans and the New Republic
                                                            e. The Indian Removal Act

SS8-    Today I reviewed the expectations of presenting the glog for Thursday and Friday (see below).

We then discussed the Anaconda Plan and watched 12 minutes on why the Civil War was so bloody.

Social Studies 8
Civil War Glogs
Short Presentations

Battle Presentations – Thursday/Friday:

You will present your topic in 2-4 minutes and then answer questions for 2-4 minutes and possibly show an excerpt of your video.


1.    The Background information of your battle?
What events led to your battle?   How did we get to your battle?

2.    A concise, clear run-down of the battle?
Who won?  How?  Were there any turning points?  Explain the main parts of the battle itself.

3.    The impact of your battle.
Why was your battle important?  What did it lead to?


A)  Any information on your Glog itself.
B)  How was geography important to your battle?
C)   Who were the main players in your battle?  What were their roles?
D)  What did you learn from your eyewitness account?
E)   Were there any key turning points within your battle?
F)   What did you learn that was interesting?
G)  How did you gain a greater appreciation for the Civil War from completing the glog?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday, October 23rd

APUSH --> No class today,

SS 8 --> In class today we "inspected" our glogs to ensure the requirements were fulfilled.  Homework tonight is to finish glog (10th period, study hall or at home).  Tomorrow, we will cover important aspects of the Civil War and set up the glog presentations for Thursday and Friday.  Noodletools is due tomorrow for the glog.

At this point there is ONE entry for the weekly trivia competition.  We have a total 22 entries for the month of October.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22nd

SS 8 -->  Work on finalizing glogs today.  Tomorrow will be "inspection day."

Legacy of Slavery due Tuesday.

Glog Presentations Thursday/Friday.

Glog Assessment will be due Monday.

Homework Tonight:  Finish Glogs/Noodletools

This week's Trivia:

What Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?  What year was it ratified?

APUSH-->      Unit III Test Today.

Tonight's Homework:

1. Read in Chapter 13 “The Rise of Mass Democracy,” pages 256-262.
2. Hippocampus Activities: Age of Jackson
a.     Election of 1824
b.     Election of 1828
c.     New Political Parties

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, October 18th

APUSH - Today, presented on key events that demonstrated that forming our young Republic was difficult and sometimes contentious.  Test on Monday.

Here is question #7:

An important reason for the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine was to:
A) end the United States alliance with France
B) displace England as the chief creditor of the Latin-American countries
C) counter British objections that would arise in any future United States effort to annex the West Indies or Canada
D) protect republican institutions of government in the Western Hemisphere
E) prevent French interference in the internal affairs of Mexico

Study well this weekend APUSHers!

SS8 - Today we continued our work on the glogs.  This is also the HW assignment for the past 2-3 nights and will be through Monday.  I have offered many suggestions and strategies on how to assure the glog gets completed with care.  So far they look pretty good.  Keep up the good work.  E

All students, Enjoy the 3-day weekend!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 17th

APUSH-  Students took the PSATs today.  Please prepare for your mini-presentations tonight.  Remember the THEME "Republicanism on Trial."  I want you to connect your topic to the idea that forming the new American government was quite difficult in our young nation.

SS8- Students worked on their glogs today.  They did a great job.  HW is to continue to work on the glog.  Students could locate appropriate images (see previous post) or type some aspect of the assignment so more work could be done in class.  We will have class time for the glogs on Thursday and Monday.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SS8 -->  Today we started by reviewing the requirements of the glog and students were able to start their glogs.  These can be accessed from home id need be.  Homework was to work on glog by finding images that may be used.  Websites are on my blog that students should access for sources.

Trivia this week is due Thursday this week.  Last week we had EIGHT correct responses.  So far this week we have none.

APUSH --> Students took Key Terms quiz today and we finished reviewing the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson.  No class tomorrow, best of luck on PSATs!  Student presentations are on Thursday.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Civil War Battle Link - Need More Information

Major Campaigns and Battles:

Monday, October 15th

SS 8 -  Today we used the lab to allow students to view the videos on their battles and check their notes for accuracy and possibly to fill holes.  Tonight's HW is to COMPLETE all research for the glog.  Tomorrow, we start the glog.  The glog assignment is on my teacher page, linked on my blog and will be handed out in hard copy form to students.

APUSH -  Today students read opposing viewpoints on the Louisiana Purchase.  We will review those viewpoints tomorrow after the Key Terms quiz.  Unit Test will be Monday.

This week's Trivia:

There is a statistic used by historians to demonstrate how deadly the Civil War was for fighting soldiers.  Historians often refer to the Battle of Cold Harbor in stating how many men fell in a TWENTY minute period.  How many men fell at Cold Harbor in 20 minutes?  How many men is that in every second?  (2-part answer)

PRIZE - So far we have 18 entries for the Month of October.  The prize is dinner (at Generations) and a movie (at the Palace).  2 weeks left to get your name in the mix.  Good luck!

Glog Assignment - Civil War Battle

Click here to access the Civil War Assignment:

Civil War Images for Glog

Library of Congress:


Civil War Photos:


Battle of Antietam: (History Channel)