Nearly 100 years after the Emancipation
Proclamation, African Americans in Southern states still inhabited a starkly
unequal world of disenfranchisement, segregation and various forms of
oppression, including race-inspired violence. “Jim Crow” laws at the local and
state levels barred them from classrooms and bathrooms, from theaters and train
cars, from juries and legislatures. In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down
the “separate but equal” doctrine that formed the basis for state-sanctioned
discrimination, drawing national and international attention to African
Americans’ plight. In the turbulent decade and a half that followed, civil
rights activists used nonviolent protest and civil disobedience to bring about
change, and the federal government made legislative headway with initiatives
such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Many
leaders from within the African American community and beyond rose to
prominence during the Civil Rights era, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa
Parks, Malcolm X, Andrew Goodman and others. They risked—and sometimes
lost—their lives in the name of freedom and equality.
Friday/Monday Mini-Test:
1. Brown v Board of Education
2. 60's Protests
3. Brown v Board of Education
4. MLK
5. Black Power
6. Rise of MLK
8. Civil Rights Act of 1965
9. Orval Faubus' actions
10. Sit-Ins
11. Freedom Rides 1961
12. Black Power
13. Bus Boycott
14. Jackie Robinson
15. Black Panthers and Black Power
Friday/Monday Mini-Test:
1. Brown v Board of Education
2. 60's Protests
3. Brown v Board of Education
4. MLK
5. Black Power
6. Rise of MLK
8. Civil Rights Act of 1965
9. Orval Faubus' actions
10. Sit-Ins
11. Freedom Rides 1961
12. Black Power
13. Bus Boycott
14. Jackie Robinson
15. Black Panthers and Black Power
(Post WWII - Civil Rights 9:50-12:20)
(1950's Beginning the Movement - 6:22-14:33)
(1960's Movement Heats Up 6:20-14:59)
(1964 - LBJ 1:50-7:00) (3:20) (3:40)
LBJ/Civil Rights Split/Black Power - 12:50- loops --> 7:55)
1968 - Watershed Year 9:30-13:50)
American Pageant reading:
Ch. 37 pgs. 890-895
Ch. 38 pgs. 916-920
Ch. 38 pags. 924-927
Hippocampus for Mini-Unit on Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Movement
Brown v. Board of Education |
Civil Unrest |
March on Washington |
Civil Right Legislation |
Affirmative Action and Force Busing |
Rise of Black Power |