Sunday, September 29, 2013

Monday, September 30th

Social Studies 8 - Today we watched the History Channel's The Story of Us and its coverage on slavery.  Students took notes on evidence for their 8 attributes of slavery.

Homework - 
1. Transfer examples from History Channel to the EIGHT ATTRIBUTES of SLAVERY inventory.

2. Use textbook, chapter 16 and find evidence for assignment.

APUSH - Today we took our Unit II Test - Revolutionary Era.

Homework -    Read Chapter 9 “The Confederation and the Constitution” pages 164-173.

       Hippocampus Activities: “The American Revolution”
                   1. Forming a Confederation
                   2. Social Revolution

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27th

Social Studies 8 - Today we started our Legacy of Slavery in America work by setting up the 8th graders as the HISTORIANS.  They will need to find evidence to support the 8 Attributes of Slavery.  They will have 6 sources to consider including Gary Paulsen's Nightjohn which they will be reading in English with Mrs. Carlisto.  Today we modeled the entire process by viewing PBS' "All Night Forever" in his documentary The Civil War.  The clip we viewed is linked below.

No homework for the weekend.  Students can choose to get ahead by finding evidence for from their text for the Legacy of Slavery lesson.

APUSH - Today students finished presenting on the events that built Colnial Unity and moved America toward Republicanism.  Monday will be Unit II Test.  Study!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 26th

Social Studies 8 - Today we continued our discussion of the 1850's and the Election of 1860.  We took a small quiz at the beginning of class.  We ended by watching some clips from Ken Burns' documentary The Civil War.

HW - None - but if have not read some of Chapter 16 you should do so.

APUSH - Today we finished our discussion on the factors that contributed to American victory in the Revolution.  Students started class by taking Key Terms Quiz for Unit II.  We watched an 8 minute clip on the end of the Revolution by PBS' Liberty (linked below).

Four APES students presented today and the rest will present tomorrow.  Unit II Test is Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25th

Social Studies 8 - Today we continued our discussion on the 1850's and how it was a decade where the country was tearing apart.  Students completed a quick (2-3 minute) reading quiz on section 3 of Chapter 16.

Tonight's HW - Read Section 4 of Chapter 16 "The Republican Party Emerges," page 473.

APUSH - Today we started class with a little School House Rocks on the "Shot Heard Round the World."  Students worked with partners to investigate how it was possible the 13 Colonies defeated the mighty British in the American Revolution.  After 20 minutes of investigation we reconvened as a class and discussed.  

Tomorrow the first 4 presenters will present and we will have our Unit II Key Terms Quiz.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24th

Social Studies 8 - Today we finished the presentations.  Afterwards we started our discussion on the Civil War Era unit.  Our discussion focused on the Fugitive Slave Law as part of the Compromise of 1850.

Homework:  Read section III of Chapter 16 "The Crisis Deepens,"  page 468.

(Possible quiz on the reading)

APUSH - Today we discussed 1776 as a turning point in American History.  We focused our discussion on Thomas Paine's Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence.

We were listening to a reading (not complete) of the Declaration when the bell rang.  I have linked that reading below.

We have altered the syllabus slightly:

Wed - The American Revolution
Thurs -Key Terms Quiz - 4 presentations
Friday - Presentations
Monday - Unit II Test

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23rd

Social Studies 8 - Today students presented and it went quite well overall.  

Homework that should be completed for Tuesday class:

HW- SS8 Read Chapter 16 Section 1, pgs. 460-462

HW- SS8 Read Chapter 16 Section 2, pgs. 463-467.

APUSH - Today students were assigned their individual presentation topics for Unit II.  We also discussed the "Pathway to Revolution"  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20th

Social Studies 8 - Today students finished their presentations to teachers and finished preparations for the FINAL CLASSROOM PRESENTATION.  The notecard requirement is on Thursday's blog.  There is a presentation example on Mrs. Carlisto's blog.  Your homework is to watch that example.

APUSH - Today we discussed 1763 as a turning point in the relationship between the colonies and the mother country.  We then transitioned to the lesson "Pathway to Revolution."  A syllabus for Unit II has been provided.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19th

Social Studies 8 - Today many students presented to the teachers on their topic.  If you did not present today you will do so on Friday.  Homework is to prepare for your classroom presentation.  Below is an index card example.  When students present on Monday they will be able to use an index card with the following guidelines:

1. Only use front side
2. Can only have 13 TOTAL bullets
3. Can only have 5 bullets per in any one category (BI/TOP/IM)
4. Only 5 words per bullet are allowed

The index card will be collected after the presentation for a grade.

APUSH - Today we started class by viewing a short clip on the meaning of the American Revolution as discussed by Gordon Wood.  The link is below for those on APES field trip.

We then discussed the meaning of the following quotes to introduce the Revolutionary Unit:

Distance weakens authority; great distance weakens authority greatly.

In a sense, to emigrate was to rebel."

With the passage of time many of the colonists began to think of themselves not as transplanted Britons, but as Americans

The Revolution was effected before the war commenced.  The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people.

In a broad sense, America was a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery by Europeans.

Tonight's Homework:

Read Chapter 7 “The Road to Revolution,” pages 128- 138.
                                                                                    Hippocampus Activities: “Road to Revolution”
                                                                                    1. The Townsend Duties
                                                                                    2. Boston Tea Party
                                                                                    3. Political
                                                                                    4. Social

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18th

Social Studies 8 - Today we continued the process of researching and preparing for our short presentations.


1. Be ready to present to teachers (a grade)
2. Notes should be completed (a grade)
3. Article should be underlined, annotated, and then highlighted with three colors. (a grade)

APUSH - Today we completed our first unit test.

Homework for tonight is:

Wed 9/18      In-Class-     Test – Unit I – Colonial America

Homework-  Read Chapter 7 “The Road to Revolution,” pages 122-128.
Hippocampus “American Society Takes Shape”
                        1. Proclamation of 176
Hippocampus “Road to Revolution"
                        1. Stamp Act

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17th

Social Studies 8 - Today we cancelled the first half of our field trip but were able to spend a great time hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding from 11:00 AM throughout the rest of the day. 

Block 2/3 met today and were able to finish text research and start reading the historical article they found.  Homework for this block is to have their articles ready to go at the beginning of Wednesday's class.  They need to also have their historical photo attached to their assignment.

Block 8/9 Make sure you have article for class.  

APUSH - Today we finished our presentations.  Unit I test is tomorrow. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Open House Parents

Here is the video we used to start the year.  The "text" in the video exemplifies why we block English and Social Studies.  Enjoy!

Monday, September 16th

Social Studies 8 - Today we kicked off our first Clarklisto Project. Students have chosen an 8th grade topic and will eventually present that topic to their peers.  If you have chosen an aspect of the Holocaust as your topic I have linked a superb website below.  Simply use the search engine for finding articles on your topic.

Homework - Use a designated (Mrs. Carlisto's blog) source to bring in an article on your topic.  Remember to find an article that helps supplement your text as a source (discussed in class).

APUSH - Students completed a Key Terms quiz on Unit I.  Eight students then presented on colonial figures who dissented and/or help form a foundation for a new nation.  An extra class option is available 10th today.  Unit I test is Wednesday.