Monday, March 31, 2014

APUSH Civil Rights Movement Mini-Unit

Nearly 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans in Southern states still inhabited a starkly unequal world of disenfranchisement, segregation and various forms of oppression, including race-inspired violence. “Jim Crow” laws at the local and state levels barred them from classrooms and bathrooms, from theaters and train cars, from juries and legislatures. In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the “separate but equal” doctrine that formed the basis for state-sanctioned discrimination, drawing national and international attention to African Americans’ plight. In the turbulent decade and a half that followed, civil rights activists used nonviolent protest and civil disobedience to bring about change, and the federal government made legislative headway with initiatives such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Many leaders from within the African American community and beyond rose to prominence during the Civil Rights era, including Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Andrew Goodman and others. They risked—and sometimes lost—their lives in the name of freedom and equality.

Friday/Monday Mini-Test:
1. Brown v Board of Education
2. 60's Protests
3. Brown v Board of Education
4. MLK
5. Black Power
6. Rise of MLK
8. Civil Rights Act of 1965
9. Orval Faubus' actions
10. Sit-Ins
11. Freedom Rides 1961
12. Black Power
13. Bus Boycott
14. Jackie Robinson 
15. Black Panthers and Black Power
(Post WWII - Civil Rights 9:50-12:20)
(1950's Beginning the Movement  - 6:22-14:33)
(1960's Movement Heats Up 6:20-14:59)
(1964 - LBJ 1:50-7:00)  (3:20) (3:40)
LBJ/Civil Rights Split/Black Power - 12:50- loops --> 7:55)
1968 - Watershed Year 9:30-13:50)

American Pageant reading:
Ch. 37 pgs. 890-895
Ch. 38 pgs. 916-920
Ch. 38 pags. 924-927

Hippocampus for Mini-Unit on Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement
Brown v. Board of Education
Civil Unrest
March on Washington
Civil Right Legislation
Affirmative Action and Force Busing
Rise of Black Power

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tuesday APUSH - Cold War Assessment

On Tuesday APUSH will have a "test" on the Cold War.  It is only 20 questions (40 points-Major Grade).  Here are the topics to the 20 questions:

1. 1962, Cuba
2. Marshall Plan
3. Korea
4. Response to Sputnik
5. 1954 Guatamala
6. Joseph McCarthy
7. Tet Offensive
8. Vietnam
9. George Kennan
10. Korea
11. Tet Offensive
12. Yalta Conference
13. Cuba
14. Decision to Drop Atomic Bomb
15. Truman vs MacArthur
16. NATO
17. Korean War end
18. Kennedy & Cold War
19. Cuban Missile Crisis
20. Reagan and Gorbachev

APUSH Due Monday - Vietnam War 1954-1968

Watch the following CNN video on the Cold War.  This video is called "Vietnam 1954-1968."

You must keep a timeline of the events for full credit.  20 Events - clearly explained and you will receive a 20/20 on a MAJOR ASSIGNMENT.
(46-47 Minutes)

APUSH Thursday-Sunday

Read Segments of Chapter 37 in Pageant “The Eisenhower Era” 

and complete Hippocampus activities.

·      pages 887-890 “The Advent of Eisenhower” & “The Rise and 

Fall of Joseph McCarthy” HC “Korean War Buildup” “Korean War”

·      pages 897-902 HC “Korean War Aftermath” “Un-American 

Activities” “The Hunt for Subversaries” “McCarthyism” “Space 

Race” “Eisenhower and Krushchev” “CIA vs. Anti-US 

Government”  “Vietnam”

APUSH Friday Class

End of Korean War - (:47-2:10)

Arms Race, Rockets, Sputnik (2:20-12:00)

Kennedy (9:22-18:20)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

APUSH Tuesday-Thursday

Read Chapter 36 "The Cold War Begins" (Pages 852-879)

Harry S Truman and IKE
Potsdam Conference
Truman's Domestic Policy
Election of 1948
U.S.-Soviet Relations
Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift
Revolution in China

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

SS8 - Test Thursday

Test Thursday on US Imperialism and WWI.

For class Wednesday know:

Who was Henry Cabot Lodge?
Why was he against America joining the League of Nations?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


World War II – Unit – Independent Study

For our World War II Unit, APUSHers will work through a series of learning activities.  The goal will be to get through the unit quickly but efficiently. 

This unit will be an independent study.  Students will have to complete the tasks in whatever order suits them best.  The list of work below is classwork and homework for the week of Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 23. 

1. Read Ch. 34 “Franklin D Roosevelt and the Shadow of War”
            Pages 800-820
2. Read Ch. 35 “America in WWII”
            Pages 821-849
3. Complete Hippocampus:
* Attempts at Collective Security
* Diplomacy of 1930
* The Rise of Fascism & Militarism
* American Isolationism
* The Military Harbingers
* The Diplomatic Response
* Outbreak of WWII
* The US Enters WWII
* Military & Economic Mobilization
* Women & Minorities
* Wartime Propaganda
* Japanese Internment
* The Grand Alliance
* The Yalta Conference
* The Allied Victory
* The Aftermath of WWII

4. Watch The Century “Homefront” (45 Minutes – loops 2 times)

Watch The Century “Civilians at War” (68 Minutes – loops 4 times)

5. Take the Key Terms Quiz - (M-F, you choose)

6. Complete T/F, Multiple Choice, Identification, Matching, Putting Things in Order, Matching Cause and Effect for Chapters 34 & 35.  (Due Monday, March 24).  These questions correspond with American Pageant.

7. Complete 30 Question Test on WWII (Sunday, March 23 at Home / Honor Code / 20 minutes)

Monday, March 10, 2014

SS8 - If you missed class on Thursday 3/6

Watch these 2 videos on WWI.  List 15 important events, people or historical happenings that happened during the video.  Each video is 15 minutes:

APUSH Extra Credit & Weekly Schedule:

Here is the 40-45 minute video on the second half of the Great Depression.  It is called "Over the Edge."  Watch the video and LIST 20 key events from the video for extra credit.  It will also help you with your presentations on Wed/Thurs.  +2 points on any assignment is the extra credit.  This must be handed in by Wednesday.
(45 minutes - to will loop 2 times)

Our Schedule for the Week:

Monday - Video "Stormy Weather"
Tuesday - Prepare for presentations
Wednesday - Presentations
Thursday - Presentations / Key Terms Quiz
Friday - Test - Unit IX

APUSH Monday

We watched the ABC News video on the Great Depression.  Student in class should watch PART III only (from the 5 minute mark on)
This is part 1 - 15 minutes
This is part II - 15 minutes
This is part III - 15 minutes
(Students in class should watch from the 5 minute point to complete the video

Sunday, March 9, 2014

APUSH Unit Summary

Great Depression & New Deal
Chapters 31-33 in Pageant

                                               Chapter 31 “American Life in the Roaring Twenties”
Read pages 720-725
Hippocampus “Red Scare” & “Nativism & Racism”
Read Ch. 31 pages 725-737
Hippocampus “Religion” and “Prohibition
Ch. 31 pages 737-745  
Hippocampus “New Culture” and “America’s Economy Roar”
Chapter 32 “The Politics of Boom and Bust”
                                                            Pages 746-752 – Hippocampus “America’s Economy Roars”
-   Hippocampus “Harding”
                                                            Read Pages 753-757    -- Hippocampus “Coolidge”
                                                            Read Pages 757-768    -- Hippocampus “Hoover”
                                               Ch. 33 “The Great Depression & New Deal” pages 770-778
Hippocampus “The Depression,” “Roosevelt Election,” and “New Deal Programs”
                                               Ch. 33 pages 778-787 Hippocampus “Critics & Challenges”
                                               Ch. 33 pages 788-798 Hippocampus “New Deal Programs”

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6th

Social Studies 8 - Read Section II of Chapter 24 as we start our study of WWI.

APUSH - Tonight's HW:

Ch. 33 pages 788-798 
Hippocampus “New Deal Programs”

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5th


HW-    Ch. 33 pages 778-787 
            Hippocampus “Critics & Challenges”