Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19th

Social Studies 8 - Today many students presented to the teachers on their topic.  If you did not present today you will do so on Friday.  Homework is to prepare for your classroom presentation.  Below is an index card example.  When students present on Monday they will be able to use an index card with the following guidelines:

1. Only use front side
2. Can only have 13 TOTAL bullets
3. Can only have 5 bullets per in any one category (BI/TOP/IM)
4. Only 5 words per bullet are allowed

The index card will be collected after the presentation for a grade.

APUSH - Today we started class by viewing a short clip on the meaning of the American Revolution as discussed by Gordon Wood.  The link is below for those on APES field trip.

We then discussed the meaning of the following quotes to introduce the Revolutionary Unit:

Distance weakens authority; great distance weakens authority greatly.

In a sense, to emigrate was to rebel."

With the passage of time many of the colonists began to think of themselves not as transplanted Britons, but as Americans

The Revolution was effected before the war commenced.  The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people.

In a broad sense, America was a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery by Europeans.

Tonight's Homework:

Read Chapter 7 “The Road to Revolution,” pages 128- 138.
                                                                                    Hippocampus Activities: “Road to Revolution”
                                                                                    1. The Townsend Duties
                                                                                    2. Boston Tea Party
                                                                                    3. Political
                                                                                    4. Social

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